Food, Quick & Easy Main Dishes, Salads, Vegetarian Main Dishes

Waldorf Cobb Salad with Apple-Sorghum Vinaigrette

As I am sitting at my computer typing this post, I am trying to think of as many "e-less" words as possible.  (Ok, so "e-less" definitely does not qualify.  Neither did that last sentence.) Anyway, why you ask, do I detest typing "e"?  What do I have against the poor little letter? It's not that… Continue reading Waldorf Cobb Salad with Apple-Sorghum Vinaigrette

Food, Gluten-Free Dishes, Quick & Easy Main Dishes, Salads, Vegetarian Main Dishes

Vegetarian Nicoise Salad

Recently, I checked out The Fresh 20 ecookbook from my local library.  I am all about the library's ebooks now that I found out about it.  It saves me quite a bit of money when I can just check-out the books I want instead of having to purchase them. (And most of the time, the… Continue reading Vegetarian Nicoise Salad